Wednesday, January 29, 2014

So yeah.

Do you like yellow color? It used to be my favorite when I was a kid, but now it is one of the color that appeals to me the least. But there are days (like yesterday) when I desperately want yellow nails. and while not having a design in mind I just went with it and basically, here is what I came up with -

The nail design is one day old in this photo, simply because I could not take a photo of it in a proper light and conditions. You can see the bubbles on the yellow polish - these appeared right after I went to wash the dishes right after doing my nails and the nail polish is a very cheap one. I do not even know the brand, I just bought it from a random sales person on the town square. He had a bunch of polishes for sale and I felt like buying my first yellow nail polish, just to try it out.
 So yeah, here they are.

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